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Joyful Journey Coaching – Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to my Joyful Journey Coaching blog site


Hi, it’s Jenny here.

Joyful Journey coaching

Did you say YES to everything today?

I started to blog and share my “Aha” moments that I received from interviewing our experts during A Journey to Joyfulness Tele-Summit in 2014. With more work I do as a Mindset Coach and an EFT practitioner, I accumulated so much more information and cases in real life about joyful living. Naturally comes this Joyful Journey blog page.

I am called to spread the message out about living the life fully with meaning, joy, and freedom.

So, here we are. My first Joyful Journey living tip today is:

Acceptance v.s. Tolerance

We humans have a tendency to judge our life situations, our feelings, and ourselves. We have the fight inside of us all the time.


Tolerance is the energy that contains the inner battling, a turbulence that is always going on. We feel that we have to live with it, that we have no choices. “I hate it, all those emotions. I just have to control my emotions (suppress them) in different ways to feel better”.


Acceptance is a “Yes” energy, with 100% unconditional ACCEPTANCE. There are no inner conflicts when we say yes to whatever it is in our life right now. When we accept without resistance, we are in the life flow; everything is aligned, resulting in a more harmonious situation.

The first step of EFT work is called set-up statement. “Even though I have this _______ (problem or issue), I deeply and completely accept myself; I accept myself as who I am and how I feel…” When we accept, we step into a calm and peaceful place right away.

When we say yes and when we accept, we shift from “why me or poor me” mode and get tuned into a different channel. We ask ourselves: what’s the message for me from this, what I can learn now, what’s the opportunity? What kind of a stronger desire I have right now after this happens? What does it really mean to me? Where I want to go? Unknowingly, we are already standing at a place looking ahead instead of stuck in the problems and issues.

Energy flows where intention goes.

So from today and on, let’s say YES to everything going on in our life. Practice every day, until it goes to our blood and becomes part of us.

Please share with us your live experiences and special moments in the comments below. Let’s share and inspire each other for a joyful living.

With love,




Follow Jenny Li Ciccone:
Through my own life transformation, I receive and follow my call, to assist people for their career and life transition. I use self help tool: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to assist people discover their unaware mind patterns and hidden inner blockages; to release negative emotions, and to shift mindset and move into a lighter and happier place, living a life with meaning, purpose, and joyfulness. I share the wisdom from what my life taught me (professionally and personally), from my God, and from both western and oriental culture. I open my heart, follow the inner guidance, to reach out to serve.