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Heart Wounds and The POWER of the Heart!

It’s Jenny here sharing joyful living tips.  Today’s topic is Heart Wounds!

As we have already discussed: Joy begins with self-connection and connection with self can happen only by fully embracing vulnerability. Now the next question is where do we go to connect? The answer is NOT from the head up, nor is it from the waist down. The first place we want to go is our Heart.

The heart is the first organ in the body to develop in the fetus, and is very powerful!  It is at our forth energy chakra, the Heart Chakra. It is the center of the immense power of our emotion. Note that when we speak of vulnerability, we are speaking about our emotions.

Heart Wounds are caused by highly traumatic situations:

  • car accidents
  • serious illness
  • the loss of a loved one
  • sexual abuse
  • hearing shockingly bad news
  • divorce
  • feeling unloved by our parents
  • the loss of business
  • the list goes on, but you get the idea

Most of us have suffered different levels of wounded hearts at some point in our lives. When we get emotionally hurt, it is like we’ve been stabbed, internally, right through our heart!  If we haven’t healed these wounds for whatever reason, the emotions stay there. We feel betrayed, abandoned, and hated; totally lost and confused!  LOGIC and WILLPOWER  do not help to release the emotional blocks.  So there is a “traffic jam” inside our energy system (which is like an electric circuit).  The emotional blocks cause our energy system, along with our Heart Chakra, to be closed; allowing only the minimum amount of whole energy to distribute through the heart organ to our body. If this energy deficiency is strong enough and lasts long enough, it causes all different kinds of physical symptoms, even heart disease.

It is important to be aware that the heart is designed to connect with the energy of both our physical body and the spiritual part of our being: the Divine Force, God, the Universe. It is meant to have the internal power of ALL emotional energy on the scale, with all positive and negative emotions, including peace, joy, and love, as well as fear, anger, and hurt; the entire range of emotions.

Obviously, when we carry heart wounds inside of us, we are not “whole”; the energy distribution is diminished, resulting in our becoming disconnected and separated. The POWER of our Heart Chakra Energy (the emotional energy center) is partly taken away. We are stuck in a negative emotional state. We become Joyless.

How does someone know HEART WOUNDS affect them:

“I don’t feel all here; part of me is missing.”
“A part of me died when she died.”
“I don’t feel anything; I AM NUMB.”
“I keep seeking but not finding, and I don’t even know what I am searching for!”
“I can’t breathe. I self-judge harshly; I can’t stop working. I never have casual time to enjoy life. I pursue perfectionism.”
“I NEVER have enough; I am never good enough, or I am not good enough yet.”
“I cannot forgive, even though I know I should, and I want to forgive.”

Unconsciously, people made vows and chose to keep the feelings that come with the vows. They all go to the root, seeking love. All of the above statements are indications of Heart Wounds that require healing.

This is why many people can be highly driven, achieve great things, and are very successful in life, but nothing makes them feel complete inside. In my previous work as a career consultant and coach, I saw many senior corporate executives living this way. One day, if they lost their job, their money, title, and identity; they suddenly go from a somebody to a nobody overnight.  They had been seeking external power only; not realizing that peace, love, joy, the wholeness, and the abundance dwell WITHIN our heart, and that the INTERNAL power is the most powerful one.

The fact is, we don’t have to live that way even with these old wounds. Next time, we’ll continue the topic on the Power of the Heart and begin our Soul’s Journey to Healing.

In the meantime feel free to reach out to me by clicking here.  


A joyful day. Till next time,

Jenny Li Ciccone

Follow Jenny Li Ciccone:
Through my own life transformation, I receive and follow my call, to assist people for their career and life transition. I use self help tool: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to assist people discover their unaware mind patterns and hidden inner blockages; to release negative emotions, and to shift mindset and move into a lighter and happier place, living a life with meaning, purpose, and joyfulness. I share the wisdom from what my life taught me (professionally and personally), from my God, and from both western and oriental culture. I open my heart, follow the inner guidance, to reach out to serve.