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Emotional Detox: Spring is The Perfect Season

spring.. the perfect time for an emotional detox

Emotional Detox: Part 2

We live in this modern society, and are just so easy to get caught by all negative emotions/feelings: stress, overwhelming, angry, fear, self judging…We don’t like ourselves, or we don’t live our life with our integrity as who we really are.  Unconsciously, we have inner conflicts battling inside, and built up the unaware resisting walls in the energy system.  All physical symptoms like headache, insomnia, stomach issues, back pain…, are actually the warnings from our body energy system.  But if we keep ignoring these signals, we can imagine that when times goes by what will come up with our health situation.

Only if we are humans, we will always have emotions and feelings. It’s OK we have negative emotions, it’s only natural. Suppress our negative feelings do not help us going anywhere, no matter in which way we suppress (some emotional detached people are the ones who suppressed the feelings the most as that could make them feeling numb, no pain, and safe). All feelings come up because they want to leave, that’s the human nature, remember they are energy in motion. 

We just need to accept these feelings, surrender to our life situation, 100% accept ourselves as who we are and how we feel at this exact moment.  That’s the first step for any life changes.  When we give the negative emotions voice to speak out and space to come out, we give them permission to go and release. When the resistance wall is broken down, the energy could be allowed to move through freely, yes, again.  We are then in the harmony with your body energy system. The positive feelings like love, peace, joyfulness now have the chances to be revealed. They are always there, never left us.  We just held on to the other side and did not allow their presence.

EFT: A great tool for your emotional detox 

EFT and release technique work as amazingly effective and powerful self-help tools, to tap up and release negative emotions – our inner blockages, sometimes right on the spots when those strong feelings we don’t like come up.

No matter EFT, release technique or whichever modality works for you, do take care of your mind and emotion health.  Allow the emotional energy moves through and flow. We know after detoxing, we always feel lighter and happier.  To learn more about Emotional Freedom Technique click on this link: EFT  and if you have any questions I invite you to a comment below.

Enjoy your spring detoxing!

Follow Jenny Li Ciccone:
Through my own life transformation, I receive and follow my call, to assist people for their career and life transition. I use self help tool: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to assist people discover their unaware mind patterns and hidden inner blockages; to release negative emotions, and to shift mindset and move into a lighter and happier place, living a life with meaning, purpose, and joyfulness. I share the wisdom from what my life taught me (professionally and personally), from my God, and from both western and oriental culture. I open my heart, follow the inner guidance, to reach out to serve.