Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a safe and popular energetic healing technique which combines the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern Western psychology. It is often referred to as “energy medicine”, and “a needle-free, emotional acupuncture”. It uses finger tapping to stimulate some meridian acupressure points on the body, to eliminate the energetic blockages that are causing or contributing to mental, emotional, or physical pain, and allow the body to heal by self. The results are rapid, painless, and often permanent, happening right on the spots.

When we do tapping, what really happens in our brain is this: In the middle of our brain, there exists a chemical survival mechanism named Amygdala , which was created in ancient time as a self-protective “fight or flight” alarm system inside of us, but regarded now also as an emotion trigger. As living in the modern society, we just have too much things to “fight and flight”. EFT works like passing by this brain’s loyal guard – Amygdala, going deep down at subconscious level to hit right away on the berried energy blockages which keep triggering us, holding us back and even making us ill. Tapping could quickly dissolve these energetic blocks from our negative feelings, thoughts, and hidden mind patterns. After several sessions, you will normally have your issues improved or even cleaned up for good. You can do it yourself on almost everything, and also reach out to help families and friends.


What is EFT?

This video was originally uploaded to YouTube in February of 2012 and is the original video created by Gary Craig to introduce EFT to those who visited his website. It is well worth the 7 minutes it takes to watch it!

I also really like the information shared by The Tapping Solution. In the video below Jessica Ortner walks you through the tapping points of 

How to Tap?

Please also visit our post How to Tap? where I walk you through the nine meridian points that tapping focuses on. If you have any questions please contact be by filling out the form here:

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