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Shift from Wanting to Having

It’s Jenny here sharing joyful living tips with you. Today I cover a new topic: Wanting, and how you can shift from wanting to having.  Since by now I have worked with many people, I find that in many cases people fall into the pattern of wanting but not having.  No matter if the desire is for a relationship, money, time, security, energy, or any resources; it ends up instead going to the root of lacking: lacking love, lacking protection, and the lacking control of life situations in general.

Beware The Word “Wanting” is Not as Positive as it Sounds.

Underneath, it vibrates a “lacking” energy. When we get trapped in a “Wanting” state, we become very needy. Often we go out and work longer; we Try Harder to seek what we want. Sadly, most of the efforts are in vain. We don’t realize that we are stuck because we created the inner conflicts that block our life flow. Our goal is to have, but the energy we send out is “lacking”.

ALL Emotions Carry Energy

Energy is magnetic, it attracts things with similar vibrations. And, energy doesn’t die, but must be transformed into another state of energy.

When we feel lacking, we are kept in that vibrational channel. We focus, and can only see what we don’t have. We feel upset about “not enough”, so we judge or even beat ourselves for this lacking status. This is similar to when you say ” I don’t want to be sick anymore,” the picture you have in mind is the sickness, not the health, right? The Wanting feeling works the same way; when we focus on wanting all we get is more Wanting!  Sure enough, we attract things and individuals into our life for us to feel lacking.

The lacking energy keeps us looking back, or looking around, but never looking forward. It gets us stuck, as it separates us from the possibility of adjusting and shifting to a different channel; the channel that allows us to shift from Wanting to Having. When we’re able to change the channel, move to a new vibrational place, we can see more opportunities and resources available for us. Remember that “Energy flows where Intentions go”. It’s by staring at the final point of our destination, and focusing on each single next step; that we may finally step out and move, which is to shift from wanting to having!

“But How Can I Feel Having When I Don’t Have in Reality?”

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is it that you want, exactly?
  2. What is missing in your life that creates this desperate wanting?
  3. Why is it so important to you?
  4. What are the deepest needs that haven’t been met for you?
  5. What core values do you need in order to honor yourself?

When you get clarity of what truly matters to you, you will understand the root causes of your lacking.

Practice EFT
Tapping to remove the inner conflicting energy knots, let go of wanting feelings and open up the energy field of having feelings.

Be grateful for everything you already have in life.
Gratitude is the key step in the procedure of transition. Appreciating what we have always attracts more great things and people into our life, giving us more to be thankful for.


After tapping, the lacking feelings will gradually fade away. You will realize that emotions are illusions; they are not real things and only exist in our mind. We do have the choice to shift our emotions to a higher place, where we can begin to see our life differently, with a full perspective.

Eventually, we will be in a neutral state, where we can finally have the healthy energy to set up goals, and then focus on what we need to do, and just do it. Our life flow resumes, we finally allow the things and people we are meant to have flow effortlessly to us.

If you are in a “wanting” status in life right now but want to have a transition and get out, I am excited to share the news with you today about my newly designed 6-week EFT tapping online course:

Shift from Wanting to Having Foundation Program

This course is open to everyone, no matter where you live! It is a 6-week live session (1.5 hours per session), via Zoom video. Note the session recordings will be available by request. You can join the course at home by simply clicking the program link online or dialing in with the class code by phone.

The course is limited to a small group (5-6 people), in order to ensure that each participant receives the ultimate results. Sign up today to secure your spot!

Our first group is set to start at 11am-12:30 pm (US EST, New York time zone) on April 12 Tuesday.

If you are drawn to EFT and have an interest in the program, please click here for the course details.  You can also contact me to ask questions, or set up phone consultations. I am open to listening to any feedback.  All will help me to understand you more and support you better.  Contact me here!

To your joy,


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Jenny Li Ciccone

Follow Jenny Li Ciccone:
Through my own life transformation, I receive and follow my call, to assist people for their career and life transition. I use self help tool: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to assist people discover their unaware mind patterns and hidden inner blockages; to release negative emotions, and to shift mindset and move into a lighter and happier place, living a life with meaning, purpose, and joyfulness. I share the wisdom from what my life taught me (professionally and personally), from my God, and from both western and oriental culture. I open my heart, follow the inner guidance, to reach out to serve.